Power to Win Report

We are excited to share an important new report with you, created to help us address some of the key challenges facing the progressive movement today.
We came together because we saw a big gap between what we want to achieve on the Left and our current ability to make it happen. We know that significant changes are needed, and we set out to give organizers a platform to share their ideas and insights about how we, the big we, must correct course and evolve our work.
Over the past 18 months, The Action Lab collaborated with The Forge’s Power Working Group (an amazing group of nine seasoned and brilliant organizers), and the Initiative for Community Power at NYU to carefully design and execute this project. We conducted 100 in-depth interviews and we collected 184 comprehensive surveys from progressive organizers across the country. Their insights and honesty shaped this report.
The findings highlight some tough realities. They also elevate widespread alignment on a range of high value and high impact adjustments that will strengthen our work and help us to build the power to win. Our research also showcases the incredible dedication and creativity of progressive leaders who continue to push forward despite challenges. We hope this report will help us all understand how to better organize and utilize our collective resources to achieve our common goals.
Read the full report HERE.