Tina Habib

Tina Habib serves as the Managing Director and co-founder of The Action Lab. Prior to this role, in 2012, Tina co-founded the Center for Popular Democracy, the largest federated network of community organizing groups in the United States and served as its inaugural Director of Operations, Human Resources & Finance. In this capacity, she established and expanded the organization's infrastructure since its inception, overseeing its growth over the subsequent decade.
During her decade-long tenure at the International Education Resource Network (iEARN-USA), Tina held diverse roles, including Co-Executive Director. She conceptualized and executed groundbreaking public diplomacy initiatives in collaboration with the United States State Department, fostering connections among North American students and their counterparts across the Middle East, Africa and South Asia in the aftermath of 9/11.
Tina holds a Master's degree from New York University’s Wagner School of Public Service as well as a bachelor's degree in Political Science and Women's Studies from Rutgers University.