Dan Cantor

Dan Cantor is co-founder and former executive director of the Working Families Party, a grassroots organization that fights for policies for working families, and works to bring a new generation of progressive leaders to political office. Under Cantor’s charge, the WFP led successful campaigns to reform New York’s Rockefeller Drug Laws, maintain access to affordable mass transit, and raise New York’s minimum wage. His efforts have also contributed to the election of progressive candidates across the state — including mayors, state legislators, city council members and members of Congress. Prior to his work at WFP, Cantor’s organizing efforts spanned the country. He was a union organizer in New Orleans and Detroit; a community organizer in Arkansas, Texas, and Missouri; and a political organizer and co-founder of the WFP predecessor, the “New Party.” Cantor also worked as Labor Coordinator for Rev. Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign.