Cristina Tzintzún Ramírez

Cristina Tzintzún Ramírez is a leading civil rights leader and 2020 U.S. Senate candidate. She was named “Hero of the New South” by Southern Living Magazine and was featured on NPR, Vogue, The New York Times, Univision, and MSNBC, among others. Cristina is the President of NextGen America, a leading national progressive youth voter mobilization organization. Cristina founded and was Executive Director of Jolt—a Texas-wide organization that lifts up the voice, vote, and issues impacting Latinos. Cristina co-founded Workers Defense Project (WDP), a workers’ rights organization with the mission to win better working conditions for immigrant workers in Texas. Cristina writes about race, gender, and immigration, and cowrote Presente! Latino Immigrant Voices in the Struggle for Racial Justice, published by AK Press (2014).