Analilia Mejía

Analilia Mejía is the Co-Executive Director at the Center for Popular Democracy. She is a seasoned political strategist and Afro-Latina grassroots organizer focused on helping Black and Latinx working families who previously served as the Deputy Director of the Women’s Bureau at the Department of Labor under the Biden Administration. The Women’s Bureau is focused on policies and programs supporting women in the labor force. A daughter of immigrants, Analilia has dedicated her career to working toward a multiracial democracy and giving power to communities that have been historically excluded.
Analilia previously worked as the national political director for the Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign, helping to boost the campaign’s ground game and showing in key primary states through her oversight of a team of people leading individual state outreach and engagement campaigns. Following the end of the Sanders’ campaign, she joined the Biden Administration’s transition team to work on progressive outreach. From 2014 to 2019, she was the state director of the New Jersey Working Families Alliance, a state affiliate of the Working Families Party.