Alex Lalama

Alex Lalama (they/she) is currently the lead student organizer with San Francisco Rising, building out their student organizing branch throughout the Bay Area. Through their organizing, they’ve been able to support with their yearly Summer fellowship to build and empower Black, Indigenous, Students of color to see themselves as organizers integral to the education liberation movement for the last 2 years. Through workshops, political ed, semester long offerings, monthly student meetings, they are supporting a team of student organizers to build their own base and fight for education justice through various tactics and strategies. In the last two years, SFR students have been able to put together mass organizing and mass action trainings, be a part of May Day intergenerational student/worker actions, pass resolutions to support the student debt cancellation movements in San Francisco, hold political officials accountable, put together resource fairs, and hold cultural strategies through storytelling and zine making. San Francisco Rising has a vision for Free College in the state of California and beyond, knowing that higher education is a human right, not a privilege for the few.